Hanover Fingerprinting is a criminal background check company built to provide the most efficient service at the lowest prices in the area. Our digital systems and livescan technology are planned and automated to get you through your appointment as efficiently as possible. When clients arrive for fingerprinting, appointments average less than 10 minutes. Results are normally available the next business day. All of our systems and procedures are approved by the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service (DPSCS) and CJIS.
Passport Pictures: Passport pictures are available in both electronic and printed format. The electronic format can be used for Conceal and Carry. The printed format will fulfill passport requirements.
Full State & FBI background check:
Maryland Only background check:
FBI Only background check:
Fingerprint Cards (We can provide both Livescan & Ink Fingerprint Cards including FD-258 cards. You can bring your own, but we also have them available):
Passport Pictures
Notary Services
While our livescan fingerprinting checks the MD & FBI databases for any criminal charges/convictions, there could still be charges in other states, civil suits, resume misrepresentations, and other challenges stopping you from making the best hires. Protect your organization and build the best teams by knowing more. With our pre-employment background checks, employers can get nationwide verification of :